Do you have financing available?
Yes, we provide financing through multiple third-party partnerships. We have very competitive rates, and can always save you money. Typically we recommend a credit union loan for financing. Some allow you to re-amortize the loan while there financing a portion of your project on a long term loan with a low interest rate, while the remaining tax credit amount can be financed for a shorter term with NO interest - NO payments, while you wait for your tax credit to kick in.
Is there a warranty?
All modules have a standard 25 year power production manufacturers warranty. Micro inverters have a standard 25 year power production and replacement manufacturers warranty. We have a 10 year warranty on roof penetrations. Our workmanship will be free from defective installation including, but not limited to the local codes and manufacturer's installation requirements for 25 years after the completion of the job.
Are there any incentives?
The Investment Tax Credit (ITC) will reduce the cost of your solar electric system. A taxpayer may claim a credit of 26% of qualified expenditures for a system that serves a dwelling unit located in the United States that is owned and used as a residence by the taxpayer. Expenditures with respect to the equipment are treated as made when the installation is completed. If the installation is at a new home, the "placed in service" date is the date of occupancy by the homeowner. Expenditures include labor costs for on-site preparation, assembly or original system installation, and for piping or wiring to interconnect a system to the home. If the federal tax credit exceeds tax liability, the excess amount may be carried forward to the succeeding taxable year. For photovoltaic solar systems, there is no maximum credit and the home served by the system does not have to be the taxpayer’s principal residence.
What is net metering?
Your utility company will monitor your grid-tied solar system, and calculate how much electricity your system produces versus how much electricity you use. If your system generates more electricity than you use, the excess energy is sent back to the grid and you will receive credits from your utility company. When you use more electricity than you generate, like during the night, you will be pulling power back off the grid, first starting from your credits, then from the grid if needed. Due to the amount of power that you generate vs. what you use, you may see a cumulative running balance on your statement. Remember that this is not a bill, and no payment will be due. Since the generation of your system is greater during the summer than in the winter, the balance, if any, is settled at the end of your fiscal year.
What happens at night?
During the day, your system will be producing electricity, probably a lot more than the power actually being used. As the electricity is bing produced, you can benefit from the day's production by drawing power directly from the solar panels. The additional electricity that is not used, will feed back into the grid, earning you credits. At night, when your system is not producing any electricity, the credits that you have earned during the day, are carried over, and you are then taking electricity back from the grid. This will go back and forth all year through a process called net metering.
What exactly is a solar panel?
Solar modules, also called solar panels, are made up of silicon "cells" that absorb sunlight to create a photovoltaic (PV) effect that converts sunlight into direct current (DC) power. Silicon is one of the Earth’s most abundant element other than oxygen and is typically used to make glass, cement, computer chips, and solar panels. The panels are tied together then connected to an inverter(s) which then delivers electricity to your home and eventually back onto the grid, if you produce more electricity than you use.
What is an inverter?
The inverter takes the direct current (DC) power created by the solar panels and converts it into alternating current (AC) power, which is the standard electrical current used here in America. This useable power is then fed back to your service panels where you can use the energy that is created. A grid-tied inverter allows the electricity to be sent back to the grid when you produce more energy than you use.
What is a micro inverter?
Traditionally, solar panels are connected together and are fed into a single, central inverter device. This means that one inverter controls tens, hundreds, or even thousands of solar panels as if they are one unit operating at the same power level. This approach reduces the overall system efficiency and limits the available information about individual panel health. We use micro inverters by Enphase Energy, who has pioneered a new approach to managing solar power that makes solar systems smarter and more efficient. Enphase replaces these large central inverters with small micro-electronics that are attached to each solar panel. These devices, allow each panel to operate independently at a much safer level, leading to significant improvements in energy production and adding a new layer of intelligence throughout the system.
Can my HOA stop me from installing solar?
No, your HOA may try, but it is usually not allowed. The California Solar Rights Act states that an HOA can't stop you from installing a solar power system. However, an HOA can ask you to modify the design and/or location for aesthetic reasons, but only as long as the changes don't dramatically impact the solar electricity production of a decrease greater than 10% or cost more than $2,000.